Post Consumer Recycled Tubes

  The latest trend in the skincare and cosmetic industry is the trend to make the various products and their packaging recyclable and biodegradable. Since only 30.8% of plastics are usually recycled, the need to increase the rate is the prime focus for a lot of...

External Spring Pumps and Sprays

Just in case you didn’t know we have been expanding our range of external spring pumps and sprays. The dispensing system is designed so that your formulation does not come into contact with the metal spring. This gives the user greater dosage control, a finer mist and...

Matte Disc-top Caps – Now in Stock

Matte or Gloss Disc top Caps, We’ve Got It Covered! We have just released our new stock matte disc top caps that are available in 24/410 Black and 24/410 White. These caps work great with HDPE bottles where the matte finish on the bottle is complimented with the caps...
NEW Product range release

NEW Product range release

Weltrade Packaging is proud to announce the release of its new recyclable range of premium airless packaging to the Australian market.  Constantly meeting clients’ requests, Weltrade recognised a gap in the market, when it came to recyclable high end products and are...