As posted in “Science of Beauty” – February Edition

Christmas came and went and before you know it, we are into 2018. It already seems so long ago that planning of launch dates were forecast for so many new and exciting products this year.

I recently read a stat that, 33% of consumers will reject a product if they don’t like the packaging. In today’s growing personal care market, it becomes more important than ever to package well and help the consumer believe in your brand’s message.

Recently published in the UK, Bazaar magazine, were the Top 10 Beauty trends for 2018.

1.    Masks, if 2017 was the year of the facial masks then 2018 will be the year of the masks for all other parts of the body. From arms to feet to hair, there will be all sorts of masks formulated using va rious boutique ingredients to make them appeal to the consumer market. When it comes to packaging we not only deal with the viscosity, but also the seal to make sure they will not dry out. At Weltrade Packaging Solutions, we really like doing it differently. Whether it’s the applicator, the shape of jar or the tube that dispenses, we spend a lot of time working through the key requirements so the experience works.

2.    Body care products that are normally associated with the face. In 2018 you can expect to see cleansers, exfoliators, serums, moisturisers with built in SPF factors. Although these are usually associated with facial care products, when it comes to body care, we don’t only have to upscale the size of the package, we have to make sure the efficacy of the package is maintained for the shelf life of the formula.

3.    Pro environmentally friendly products and packaging. As consumers become more educated with social media and the pros/cons of various products and their packaging, we are seeing large brands looking to us for their packaging message. Looking to see if there might be a better option for their packaging or wanting our newly released post-consumer resin tubes, (maintaining products and are able to use up to 40% of their weight from recycled plastic) we are always on the lookout for new ways of doing things that is efficient and more environmentally friendly.

4.    Skincare supplements, this is an area that is rapidly expanding in the beauty industry. Traditionally associated with pharmaceutical and nutraceutical, the beauty effects of supplementing your products is a rising interest for many consumers. Our wellness packaging range has expanded exponentially in the last 12 months and with our new ISO9001:2015 accreditation we expect further growth in this area for us in the beauty industry over the next two years.

5.    Bespoke everything is the new key to really making inroads to markets. Previously we would see brands come in and say, “we are going to do a facial product like brand “x” and we are spending so much on the formulation, although we want the packaging to look great, we just don’t have the budget, so show me what stock packaging you have”. These days, the more educated brands understand that we can give them something unique, especially in terms of packaging that is really affordable. They then can differentiate their product from others and tailor them to their consumers. As packaging designers, we really love this part of our service to our clients.

Well, that’s 1 to 5, of the Top 2018 beauty trends and the packaging discussions we would have with you when discussing your next product launch. For anything packaging related we are your point of contact, any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out.