On a daily basis we discuss packaging skincare solutions with personal care product manufacturers from start out brands to Fast Moving Consumer Goods suppliers.

Whether it be for skincare, hair care, pharmaceutical or other cosmetic products. The trick to getting it right first time, every time and to save you time and money is to ask yourself some key questions and then work through the answers with your packaging solutions specialist.


Here are five key questions to consider for every project to ensure you get what you are after…


1. What function does your product need to achieve? Are you looking for a pump that will foam? Do you want a package that will spray upside down or have a special nozzle? Do you want something that will squeeze out or apply differently to other products in the category? Is the viscosity of your product so low that you need something to reduce the flow?

2. Do you envisage any compatibility issues with your packaging and your product? Different resins react very differently with different ingredients. See our plastic compatibility table to get the basics but always check with your chemist to see if they recommend a specific material to suit your product.

3. What is the preferred size of pack you are looking to achieve? Is it less than or equal to 100ml to work within international travel – packaging guidelines? Is it inline with market leaders or do you want a point of difference in size? Then when the product is being filled will it require additional headspace because the product will foam in the filling process for example Shampoo will usually need more space than conditioner.

4. What’s your Target market? It’s a fact the better the packaging – relates directly to more sales! The packaging and the marketing will get the consumer to try the product. The product will get the consumer to come back for more. Certain types of packaging works better for different age groups, due to its look, feel and function. Also what is approximate intended price point of the product going to be. There is no point over packaging a product that is going to achieve you a low recommended retail price however a product that is going to be marketed at a higher price point will require packaging to help enforce the value of the product.

5. When would you like to launch? Most new packaging projects should allow around 12 to 16 weeks, however with a minor customisation with colour and or print we might be able to cut this down.

Once this brief is formed then we can start to talk about design, lead times, budget etc.

Want to book a 15 minute call with Steve Welsh to discuss your specific requirements – our dedicated customer care team is ready to assist >>Click Here<<.


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