If you are not using or planning to use 100% recycled PET in your skin care packaging, that is still recyclable and so clean that it’s food grade certified? WHY NOT?

At Weltrade Packaging we’ve set the standard! And skin care Consumers are loving it.

Globally there has been a major push to lower emissions and create a greener and cleaner earth by reducing the use of plastic. Recently in QLD there was a ban on single use grocery bags and now consumers are becoming more conscious of brands who offer environmentally friendly packaging to those who don’t.

The stats tell the story –88% of consumers would like brands to be more environmentally friendlywhen it comes to their packaging (forbes.com). Furthermore, 55% percent of global consumers across 60 countries say they are willing to pay more for productsand services if there is a positive environmental impact (pkgbranding.com).

As an owner of a beauty and wellness packaging company ‘Weltrade Packaging,’ I understand how important it is to meet consumer’s needs. This means, as a company we are constantly trying to innovate to provide our clients with the most advanced, sustainable and quality made packaging in the market.

We are pleased to announce that we can now supply cosmetic grade bottles made from up to 100% recycled plastic. These recycled bottles can be made with both our PET and HDPE plastics and are available in hundreds of different shapes, colours and sizes.

The process involvesplastic that has been previously marked for recycling from the food and water industry. This plastic is gathered up, washed, dried and then remade into pellets, allowing us to transform into our packaging which is also recyclable. The material is FDA approved for food packaging. This process is like a never-ending loop of sustainability. Previously we have only been able to supply bottles that are made with virgin plastic and that are fully recyclable, but we have not been able to sell recycled plastic until recently.

These recycled bottles will feel the same as virgin plastic bottle, but aesthetically may differ. For example, the recycled PET plastic will have a very slight straw colour tinge which may be noticed on clear and white bottles, however if anything this helps sells the brands marketing story even more.

Reclaiming plastics from what’s out there to make new packaging makes common sense.

Previously too difficult and too expensive, it’s now not only possible and the consumer demand removes any obstacles from the equation.

If you are interested in Recycled Plastic Packaging and would like to know more, please don’t hesitate to reach out. You can contact us via our website weltradepackaging.com.au

But what we prefer is to talk in person, our team at Weltrade Packaging is ready to assist, to educate and make the process stress free and personalised. Let’s start a conversation today.